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Nature Rules

Eat More Plants
Become Vegetarian and Save the World!

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Nature Rules was founded by 9 year old Lola Murthy

Lola realized the disconnect between people's lifestyles and love for animals - if you love animals, you shouldn't eat them! She founded Nature Rules to bring awareness to the benefits of vegetarianism for people, animals, and the planet.

Here is an email template based on my email to my school asking them to change the daily meals to plant based food. I won't rest until every animal is free and happy.

You can send this email to your school too:


Dear Principal _______,

Hi! My name is _______. I'm in ___ grade, at _______School.


I really wanted to talk to yo u about something super important - our school food and how it affects the Earth.


Did you know that plant-based foods are really good for the planet, for us, and for animals? I care a lot about our Earth and I want to do things that make it better. We've had days with not-so-good air, and I think our school should do more to help. We should all work together to make our planet and all the animals on it happy.


I talked to my friends, and more than half of the students at ______ are vegetarians like me. But, we mostly get meat for lunch, and a lot of times we run out of the veggie options. There's this bin (the sharing bin) for food that kids don't want, and it's usually filled with meat. That's not good for the planet or for our school!


Eating plant-based can help our planet a lot. Did you know that just by eating plant-based food, we can:

1. Make less bad air for the Earth:
   It takes way more fossil fuel to make animal protein compared to plant protein.

2. Save land for animals and nature:
   Lots of trees are cut down because of farms. That's really bad for the animals and plants that live there.

3. Give us yummy and healthy food:
   Plant-based food can help our hearts and keep us from getting sick.

4. Help animals too:
   When we eat plants, we don't need to raise animals just for food. That's good for them!


I'd love to tell the whole school about this. I think we should only have plant based food at school. That's a good way to help the planet. Why don't we do that?


I have lots of ideas to help, and I like cooking too. My mom knows a lot about nutrition (she is a dietitian), and my dad is an engineer. They want to help too! I also started a website called NatureRules.Earth!  {You can add in your helpful friends and family here}


_______ can be the first school to do something like this here in ______. I know we can do it and help the planet!

Thanks for listening and I look forward to your reply!


With love for all living things,

Ways to become vegetarian


You can start becoming vegetarian by starting with a simple vegetarian dish. Just one salad or soup that's vegetarian can influence the world in a positive way.


 Now that you have tasted one vegetarian dish, try a whole meal! Even having a small snack can be great for the planet. However, if you aren't yet used to eating a vegetarian dish, you can have multiple before you start having whole vegetarian meals.


Before you know it, you'll be eating vegetarian meals for a full day! You can start with, for example, Meatless Mondays. Then add Tuesdays, Wednesday, Thursdays, and so on!



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